HSE 1-10 person catering first aid kit:
Fully compliant to HSE regulations. Suitable for work areas with up to 10 employees.
20cm x 24.5cm x 7.5cm.
Cleansing wipes – 6
Gloves vinyl blue (pair) – 1
Guidance note – 1
HSE eyepad dressing – 2
HSE large dressing – 2
HSE medium dressing – 6
Plasters blue assorted – 20
Safety pins – 6
Triangular bandage – 4
Food Safety Act 1990
?In any proceedings for an offence under these Regulations it shall be a defence to prove that the person accused took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence by the accused or by a person under the control of the accused.?
Using Qualicare catering kits helps to demonstrate taking reasonable precautions.